Saturday, November 21, 2015

Princess Leia ANH - Completed

Well, This is a very late post but I finished the Princess Leia ANH outfit complete with the belt.  See the previous posts for more info:

Princess Leia - ANH and Princess Leia - ANH Continued

The belt was made from white vinal (as a practice piece) and sheet metal.  White leather was a pricey object and there were no white scrap pieces available.  I have since procured white leather and will make the final belt one day I'm sure. 

 I used sheet aluminum to create the metal pieces of the belt.  I cut a pattern based on the schematic image in previous post.  I used 1/4in button covers and brad clips to make the center of the piece. 

I used the brads to attach the metal parts to the belt and for the practice version I used Velcro for the closure. 

When I make the final it will be done to accuracy of the show.

 All in all it's great from a distance and I got some great lessons learned for when the final belt is completed. 

We wore these to the 4th Annual Star Wars Art Festival presented by the WAR-Hous in Houston Texas.  There are some amazing pics in the Houston Press.

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